Azure Mastery 360: Your Partner in Azure Consulting Business Excellence


With 13 years as a Microsoft MVP and extensive experience in consulting, I’m happy to introduce my new comprehensive program: Azure Mastery 360. This program is specifically designed to help you build and grow a successful Azure consulting business.

Why I Created Azure Mastery 360

Throughout my career, I’ve seen many talented IT professionals struggle to transform their Azure expertise into a thriving consulting business. Success in Azure consulting demands more than just technical prowess – it requires a holistic approach encompassing business strategy, client relations, and market positioning. That’s why I’ve designed Azure Mastery 360 to be a collaborative journey, covering every aspect of building and growing an Azure consulting business.

What Azure Mastery 360 Offers

In this year-long partnership, we’ll work together to elevate your Azure consulting business across six critical areas:

  1. Technical Excellence: Stay ahead of the curve with cutting-edge Azure solutions
  2. Business Skills: Develop strategies to win and retain high-value consulting contracts
  3. Operational Optimization: Structure your consulting firm for maximum efficiency and scalability
  4. Client Engagement: Master the art of pitching, presenting, and delivering Azure solutions
  5. Strategic Foresight: Position your consulting business for long-term success in the evolving Azure ecosystem
  6. Digital Marketing for Azure Services: Build your brand as a go-to Azure consulting firm

How Azure Mastery 360 Works

  1. Intensive Kickoff: We begin with a 5-day workshop where I work directly with your team to assess your current state and set strategic goals for your consulting business.
  2. Monthly Collaborative Sessions: These are hands-on working sessions where we:
    • Review your consulting business progress and overcome challenges
    • Develop strategies for upcoming client opportunities
    • Adapt your business approach based on the latest Azure developments and market trends
  3. Ongoing Strategic Support: Year-round access to my expertise for business strategy and growth advice, ensuring you have continuous guidance in evolving your Azure consulting practice.

Why Partner with Me?

  • 13+ years as a Microsoft MVP across various specializations including Azure and Azure Security
  • Deep technical expertise in Azure, coupled with a broad understanding of business strategy
  • Extensive experience as a Microsoft Certified Trainer, bridging complex technical concepts with practical business applications
  • Actively expanding skillset in digital marketing and content creation to stay ahead in the consulting world
  • Strong foundation in sales strategies and management principles, essential for consulting success
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business and Public Management, providing a solid business foundation
  • Currently pursuing an MBA in Strategic Management (third year), enhancing strategic business knowledge
  • Committed to continuous learning and staying at the forefront of both Azure technology and business trends
  • Unique ability to blend technical Azure solutions with effective business strategies and marketing approaches

Is Azure Mastery 360 Right for Your Consulting Business?

This program is ideal if you’re:

  • Looking to start or grow your Azure consulting business
  • An IT leader wanting to transition into Azure consulting
  • Aiming to stand out in the competitive Azure consulting marketplace


Your investment in the Azure Mastery 360 program is 30,000 Euros for the entire year-long engagement. This includes:

  • The intensive 5-day onsite kickoff workshop
  • 12 monthly collaborative strategy sessions
  • Year-round access to my expertise
  • All custom resources developed for your consulting business

Limited Availability

To ensure I can provide the highest level of personal attention and collaborative effort, I’m limiting this program to only 2 consulting businesses per year.

Ready to Transform Your Azure Consulting Business?

Azure Mastery 360 is more than just a training program – it’s a partnership where we work together to transform your Azure consulting business. I bring external know-how and industry insights to complement your technical skills, helping you build a thriving consulting practice.

Take the Next Step

If you’re ready to take your Azure consulting business to the next level, here’s what to do next:

  1. Fill out the form below.
  2. During our call, we’ll discuss your specific Azure consulting challenges and goals, and I’ll answer any questions you have about the program.
  3. If we both feel it’s a good fit, we’ll move forward with enrolling you in Azure Mastery 360.

Don’t let another year go by watching competitors dominate the Azure consulting market. Join Azure Mastery 360 and let’s work together to make your Azure consulting business thrive.

Remember, only 2 spots are available for 2025. Schedule your consultation now to secure your place in this transformative program.

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If you’re interested in learning about Azure Mastery 360: Your Partner in Azure Consulting Business Excellence. I can help you understand how this solution can benefit your organization and provide a customized solution tailored to your specific needs.

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